Ronnie Setter
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Shvil ha-Tnufa 5, Buidling 2 A, Tel Aviv.
Ronnie Setter etches and “destructs” black and white photo emulsions with screwdrivers, creating magical warm golden colorfulness. First she deciphers the image of the city as it was depicted through her camera or a historical archive: the boulevards, the streets, the anonymous people, even the flora and fauna of those days. Her drawings wish to overcome the flatness of the photograph in an ecstatic rhythm that accelerates, adding new figures and “might have been” stories that are free of the photographic logics. She creates an encounter between the evident and the possible. Some of her works contain small scale models, 3 dimentional transparent figures (printed in 3D printers), and lazer cuts.

Unter dem Linden Berlin


Unter dem Linden Berlin