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Ronnie Setter

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Shvil ha-Tnufa 5, Buidling 2 A, Tel Aviv.


Ronnie Setter etches and “destructs”  black and white photo emulsions‏ with screwdrivers, creating magical warm golden‏ colorfulness.‏ First she deciphers the image of the city as it was depicted through her camera or a historical archive: the boulevards, the streets, the anonymous people‏, even the flora and fauna of those days.‏ Her drawings wish to overcome the flatness of the photograph‏ in an ecstatic rhythm that accelerates, adding new figures ‏and “might have been” stories that are free of the photographic logics. She creates an encounter between the evident and the possible. Some of her works contain small scale models, 3 dimentional transparent figures (printed in 3D printers), and lazer cuts.


* 'MetaReality' artist video 

* Artsy Artists Page

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