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'Still Life and Longing / Chapter 1 Chapter 2'


A group show featuring works by :


Shlomo Lee Abramov / Ayelet Hashachar Cohen / Bareket Ben Yaakov /

Gideon Levin /  Yuval Atsili / Nir Dvorai / Nir Mazliach / Nehama Golan /

Amit Ronen / Shuli Bar Navon /  Shachar Korenblit / Tamarin Makarov


Curators: Pesi Girsh and Nir Harmat


22 January 2015 - 14 February 2015


Chapter 1 (Shlomo Lee Abramov)  :


An immense yearning and passion marks the photography of Shlomo Lee Abramov, RIP. In his book, which was published only two months before his passing away, he compares the medium of photography and its interpretation to walking inside a “thick forest we know how to enter, are delighted with its impressive trees, yet we may find it difficult to understand the way out.”

This chapter of the exhibition presents a selection from Abramov’s oeuvre, from his early works to some of the last works he made before he passed away a few months ago.


Chapter 2 (Ayelet Hashachar Cohen, Bareket Ben 

Yaakov, Gideon Levin, Yuval Atsili, Nir Dvorai, Nir Mazliach, Nehama Golan, Amit Ronen, Shuli Bar Navon, Shachar Korenblit, Tamarin Makarov):


This group show presents works by contemporary artists that are in conversation with Shlomo Lee Abramov’s subjects and objects of representation. The works longingly echo lost memories and presence of the body, existential situations, and memento mori reflections. Their outmost surface is just a mask for the deeper levels of sentiment hidden within their concept.  


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