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for booking: 
gallery (during office time): +972-3-6725124
Rei: +972-524-655072 / 917-7281370 (running on TLV time)


Private Tours


Visiting from abroad? Want to experience the local art scene? Want to celebrate a birthday or anniversery in fashion? We are happy to coordinate a private tour for you and your loved ones.


Group tours


We are happy to coordinate morning or afternoon tours for your group. Tours are provided in both English and Hebrew. We offer a choice between “open to the public tours” (see above), and tours that focus on either studio visits, gallery visits or grafitty art. We tailor the tour according to the size of your group and according to your desires, needs and fields of interest.

"Open to the Public" tours


ArtSpace Tel Aviv offers “open to the public tours” - these tours are approximetley two hours long. They depart from ArtSpace Tel Aviv’s space every Friday and Saturday at 11:00 to scout the various galleries, studios and grafitty art of the area.Tours are ‘pay what you wish’. Children 10 or older are invited to join. We recommend bringing a water bottle, hat and no pets please :-)  It is neccessary to sign up in advance in order to secure your spot.


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